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Worcester Open Art Exhibition 2023

WORCESTER OPEN 2023 (Climate Change Edition)

Opening event :Thursday 12th January 2023 / 5-7pm
Exhibition dates : 12/01/23 - 17/02/23
Opening times : Wednesday - Friday 12.30 - 5pm

This year we are working with Meadow Arts who have sponsored the open with three commission awards, in celebration of Watermark, their forthcoming multi-venue partnership-based project on water and flooding as environmental markers of climate change, which will officially open on the 28th January 2023. 


Exhibiting artists include: Helen Cass, Joe Black Ardy, Isabella Draper, Jamie Banks, Rebecca George, Maria Cristina Gardiner, Dan Holden, Vicky Harvey, Paul Powis, Sara Hayward, Paul Newman, Jain McKay, Lewis Graham, Sarah Jones, Melanie Woodhead, Maureen Heaney-Sykes, Frans Wesselman, Lois Karen Meiklejohn, Andrew Woodhead, Joanne Henderson, Issie Martin, Kurt Hickson, Ella Buchanan, Chris M. Allton, Marta Pedzik, Conrad Judge, Caitlin Carpenter, Tegen Kimbley, Richard Nicholls, Ian Pennell, Jim O'Raw, Jonathan Oakes, Matt Greenhill, Sylvia Wadsley, Shaun Morris, Shona Davies & David Monaghan & Jon Klein, Andrew Howe, Monica Perez Vega, Jeff Orgee, Cameron Scott, Sophy King, Jane Walker, Sharon Baker, Alice Watkins, Lorsen Camps, Jenny Pope, Nick St George, Elaina Arkeooll, Clare Wratten.

The Worcester Open 2023 is a collaboration between The Art House, The School of Arts, University of Worcester and Meadow Arts

© 2023 Pitt Studio C.I.C 12610094

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